Il ou Elle


danse | Boris Ganga Bouetoumoussa | 2007


costumes Aliénor Vallet
avec Boris Ganga, Brunel Nkouka, Dimitri Nanitelamio et Brice Mingouolo

production Cie Bô ZDK

diffusion Le Tarmac




Boris Ganga Bouetoumoussa has chosen to mix the theatricality and dances of rites and struggles of Senegal and Congo to accompany words that disturb their relevance, their timeliness and their... signature.

To the rhythm of the machines, the bells and the train, which sound like the clocks of an uncertain time, the dancers sketch, in the midst of the rubbish of a society to the brim, the tear of the world and the cry of a stripped continent. The words are coming and, suddenly, the gestures give to hear the voice...

«Dancing the speech» is the challenge of the Congolese choreographer and dancer. A challenge all the more so since the forum is that of the 28th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, on March 4, 1973 in New York, and the speaker is none other than citizen-president Mobutu Sessé Séko.





2010  Transversales, Verdun | Le Hangar, Rouen

2009  Le Tarmac, Paris

2008  French Cultural Center of Douala (Cameroon)



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© Aliénor Vallet 2017